Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I recently read a book titled "The Empathy Trap." Well worth the time to read.

It's about how psychopaths use the majority to do their bidding.

My "lay person's interpretation" is:

There isn't a high percentage of psychopaths, nor a high percentage of true empaths. The bulk of people can be described as "apaths" - those with some empathy and sense of truth, but not the courage or discipline to stand up to evil. Thus, psychopaths are easily able to manipulate this group into an army for evil works.

The book is targeted to personal relationships, but it is easy to see the correlations at regional, national, and global levels.

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We all start off with a deep need to belong - think of the infant. Most of us continue all our lives to prioritize belonging to the tribe and going along with what we think is expected - we conform in order to stay safely attached and not alone. Relying on our own inner perception and truth requires spiritual maturity. It's also a way to gain spiritual maturity. Standing up publicly can be part of that.

It obviously is for Dr. Trozzi and for Michelle at Truth Out.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

It would be nice if these courageous doctors could organize a speaking tour of Ontario to hit all the cities over 100k population and all university towns. Just doing that tour alone would raise the public awareness and raise funds for more publicity. The major battle ground is in Ontario and you have to launch a strong offensive there. Invite all the news agencies- independent and mainstream- to the events and when mainstream doesn’t show up use that as ammunition for further proof of censorship. A focused offensive in Ontario will do a lot of damage to the censorship crew. May the Truth be with you.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I always love hearing Dr. Trozzi and more about his background and his deeper core as a human being. As for the question about what makes some people see/know what is going on vs those who are still in the dark, I think, for me, it is about not really caring about going along with group think. I have always thought for myself and often found I took a different direction from my family/friends. It is ok being/thinking different.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you for this video. I have a great love for Dr. Trozzi and the other doctors who have brought truth to this subject. Although I don't hold a primary place in society, I was grounded in my spiritually and was guided to avoid the shot. Blessings to all those who persist in bringing light to people who have succumbed to the lie. Many of us have a long story that will never be told but we hold the frequency for others.

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This was such a refreshing and encouraging interview. Dr. Trozzi has been my favourite Hero through all this manipulation of gvt., health, freedom.& media, these last 4 years.

Gloria Jenner

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Same question and answer on why billions pray to an invisible god for salvation instead of relying on own effort for enlightenment.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

That is a superb interview. Thank you.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

At its core is what the Bible refers to as sin. It lies at our core and only repentance and inward transformation will change one’s heart.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Indeed it is a rare level of spiritual maturity exhibited by those would be exiles. We have studied the nature of psychopathy sufficiently; our attention turns toward those with true empathy, often faith-based caring for others. Seeing in others their God-given value regardless of identity group or status measured materially. This is the stuff of promises made and fulfilled. Of Oaths held fast.

It renews my hope for humanity as I witness the few, the strong, the truthseekers of the world. And it is a privilege to stand shoulder to shoulder with such men and women as they face the lost world of broken dreams and evil.

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Mar 28Liked by Dr M Trozzi
Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

That was a superb interview. Thanks.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Agree - creating a calm mind is a great weapon against the scumbag manipulators. Ever since I’ve started a 15 minute daily meditation session, things are extremely clear not to mention you end up seeing through the horse crap the authorities have been laying down. As an aside - it’s a great way to come up with new ideas and lets you see the natural world in a vibrant light. I would never have thought it would make a difference but it does. And yes we must remove all health authorities that teach AI like algorithms since thats how the bad guys get control of the system.

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Excellent interview. Dr Trozzi is a true Canadian hero.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Mark, it is great to hear about your history, esp. how one of your teachers encouraged you to be a doctor, with but a few words spoken to you. The good kind of nudges from people who respect us.

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Mar 27Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Have you ever tried to tell someone a truth concerning the covid psyops and they responded with a comment such as; "I don't want to hear it"? Those people have been brainwashed and conditioned by the mainstream media to reject any and all thinking that deviates from the "Official Narrative". The fact is that they are not capable of thinking for themselves. It's not so much that they don't want to hear it as, they 'can't' hear it! The very idea of an alternate explanation of the events of the last four years and their brain essentially shuts down. If I were to begin telling people that while we were all being told that hospitals were overflowing with covid patients; that the covid wards were actually empty...they would choose to believe the lies and deception, rather than the truth. I even had a cashier in a produce store regurgitate: "Vaccines are Safe and Effective" after I had given her some info on the shots. Rather than thinking for herself; all she can do is repeat the rhetoric of the Mockingbird Media!

"Normalcy Bias" and "Mass Formation"! If you're not familiar with those terms; look them up. Watch out for the "Fact Checkers" - they're ubiquitous!

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